How Can Practice Managers Grant Advisers Access to Custom Forms and Risk Profiles?
As a practice manager, you can empower your advisers with the tools they need to work efficiently. The Advice Revolution portal allows you to assign custom questionnaires and risk profile modules to specific advisers. This way, advisers can easily access and distribute these resources to their clients, saving time and ensuring consistency.
This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of granting advisor access to these valuable modules.
Step 1: Access Practice Settings
1. Click on the Practice tab.
2. Click on Practice Settings to access the practice management options.
Step 2: Locate Custom Modules
1. Within Practice Settings locate and select Custom Modules section.
Step 3: Enable Adviser Access
1. Look for the Provide Custom Form Access to Advisers button and enable it.
Step 4: Assign Modules to Advisers
1. Select the specific risk profiles or custom questionnaires you want to grant access to.
2. Choose the name of the adviser(s) you wish to assign these modules to.
Step 5: Save Changes
1. Click Submit to save your changes and apply the new access permissions.
Important Note:
1. In the event that an adviser reports not being able to view the assigned risk profiles or questionnaires, refer to the provided table in Step 4 to verify correct assignment.
Need more help?
For questions or clarifications about risk profile and custom questionnaires, you may send us a message at Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-minute Get Help Session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.
Published on July 6, 2024
Version 1.1