Understanding and Utilizing Centrelink and Retirement Ambitions Modules

Understanding and Utilizing Centrelink and Retirement Ambitions Modules

This article provides an overview of the Centrelink and Retirement Ambitions modules within the platform, explaining how to add, edit, and manage client information related to these areas.

Centrelink Information Module
The Centrelink information module allows you to record and update your client's Centrelink details.

Step 1: Accessing the Centre Details Module
1. In the Adviser Home Page, select the client you wish to update Centrelink Details.
2. Select Retirement and locate the Add and Edit links for Centrelink details.

Step 2: Adding Centrelink Information
1. Enter the client's Centrelink relationship number.
2. Select any applicable concession cards and provide answers to the required questions.
3. Add any relevant Centrelink notes and click Submit to save the changes. 
Important Note: Centrelink income information should be entered in the Income section of the fact find.

Retirement Ambitions Module
The Retirement Ambitions module enables you to capture your client's retirement goals and expectations.

Step 1: Setting Retirement Goals
1. Enter the desired annual retirement income and select the intended retirement age.
2. Specify the minimum required income and enter any additional retirement lump sum amounts.
Step 2. List other superannuation or pension accounts intended for retirement funding.
1.. Indicate assets that may be sold to fund retirement and click Submit the information when complete.

Adding Pension

Step 1: Select your pension account type
1. Choose the appropriate pension account type from the available options.
Step 2: Enter pension details
1. Specify your pension selection.
2. Provide the fund name associated with your pension and input your pension account number accurately.
Step 3: Identify the fund member
1. Indicate who is the member of the pension fund.
2. Complete the remaining required information fields and click Submit to finalize the process.

Adding Superannuation:

Step 1: Select superannuation account type
1. Choose the appropriate type of superannuation account from the available options.
Step 2: Enter superannuation details
1. Select the fund from the provided list and specify the fund name.
3. Input the superannuation provider's name and enter your superannuation account number.

Step 3: Identify the fund member
1. Indicate who is the member of the superannuation fund.
2. Provide any additional details requested in the form.
3. Click Submit to confirm the added superannuation account.

Need More Help?
For questions or clarifications about the Centrelink and Retirement Ambitions, you may send us a message at support@advicerevolution.com.au. Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-minute Zoom session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on August 16, 2024
Version 1.1