How Can I Maximize the Discover Module for Clients' SMART Goals?

How Can I Maximize the Discover Module for Clients' SMART Goals?

Capturing your clients' financial goals is the first step to creating a tailored financial plan. This guide will show you how to use the Discovery module to effectively document your clients' aspirations and identify their financial priorities.

Step 1: Access the Completed Task
1. Question type of Task about SMART goals to the client, open the completed task of the client by clicking on Status and Tasks.
2. Locate and open the completed task related to SMART goal setting.
3. Click the pen icon to view the task.

Step 2: Review Client's Responses
1. Scroll down to the Client's Comments section within the task.
2. Carefully review the client's responses and take note of their SMART goals.

Step 3: Input into the Discover Module
1. Click Discovery and input the client's answers from the completed SMART task

Important Note:
1. Accuracy and Completeness: Ensure that you accurately input all relevant information from the client's responses.
2. Data Organization: Organize the information in a clear and structured manner for easy reference.
3. Regular Updates: As the client's goals evolve or new information becomes available, update the Discover module accordingly.

Need more help?
For questions or clarifications on maximizing the Discovery tab in your Adviser portal, you may send us a message at Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-minute Zoom session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on August1, 2024
Version 1.1

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