How to cuztomize Pro Fact Find Questionaire

How to cuztomize Pro Fact Find Questionaire

To adjust the sections of your Pro fact-find questionnaire, kindly proceed by sending the Client Portal Invitation first. This necessary step ensures that the existing fact-find information of the clients can only be accessed in our secured client portal. To send the client portal invitation you may watch this Video Guide.

Alternatively, click the send client portal button across the client name in the Adviser Home Page and follow the steps below. 

1. Click "Send Client Portal"

2. Next, select either "Create New Template" or "I don't want to use a template."

3. Select "Pro Fact Find"

4. Indicate whether you'd like to include the consent. If you wish to include consent, kindly activate it first in the "Practice Settings".

5. You have the choice to enable either Standard or Detailed questionnaires. Click here to view the visible fields. Afterward, you may proceed in enabling and disabling the fact-find sections, based on what applies to the client.
Displaying image.png

6. Select the Client to whom you wish to send the Full Fact Find. 

7. Feel free to insert your email signature, and when you're ready to send, simply click "Send to the email client." 
You'll receive an email notification once the client has finished completing the Pro Fact Find questionnaires.

Created: March 25, 2024

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