Editing my Client's Name and Contact Details

Editing my Client's Name and Contact Details

Ensuring accurate client information is crucial for effective communication and relationship management. This article provides step-by-step instructions to help you seamlessly update client details in the Advice Revolution portal, ensuring your records are always current and precise. Let's get started!

Method 1: Updating Client Information from the Adviser Home Page

1. Log in to your Adviser account. https://app.advicerevolution.com.au/portal-login
2. Search for the client: Use the search bar located at the top of the screen to find the specific client you want to edit.
3. Access the client's profile: Once you locate the client, click on the pencil icon next to their name.
4. Edit the client's information: Make the necessary changes to the client's first name, last name, email address, and phone number.
5. Save the changes: Click the Submit button to confirm the updates.

Method 2: Updating Client Information from the Client Home Page
1. Navigate to the client's home page: Find the client's name in your list of clients and click on it to open their home page.
2. Access the client's contact information: Click on the People tab to view the client's contact details.
3. Edit the contact details: Click on the pen icon next to the specific contact information you want to modify.
4. Select the appropriate client if necessary: Choose the contact type (e.g., work email, mobile phone) and update the email address or phone number as needed.
5. Preferred contact method: To designate a contact as the client's preferred method, select Yes in the corresponding field.
If Yes is selected for email, this email will be used for client portal login.
If Yes is selected for phone, this number will be used for multi-factor authentication.
6. Save the changes: Click the Submit button to confirm the updates.

Need more help?

For questions or clarifications, you may send us a message at support@advicerevolution.com.au. Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30- minute Get Help discussion with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on June 25, 2024
Version 1.1

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