How to insert existing data into the mini fact find form via url parameters

How to insert existing data into the mini fact find form via url parameters

The below details will explain how you can add existing data points into our online form capture such as the mini fact find. Data from your CRM or email marketing tool can be inserted automatically so a client doesn't have to re-enter it.

URL Query Parameters
Query parameters are a defined set of parameters attached to the end of a URL. They are extensions of the URL that are used to help define specific content or actions based on the data being passed.

How to add parameters to a URL?
  1. Copy the URL link (the mini fact find link can be found here the situation of the 'Mini Fact Find Link' you would take the following example link:
  2. Add in the parameters. 
    1. Insert a '?' first after the URL link
    2. Then proceed to add each parameter and its value you would like to include separated by a '&'
    3. There should be no spaces between parameters
Example of the parameters:  &c1_first_name=Adrian&c1_last_name=Patty&
This will ensure that first name, last name, email and mobile will be inserted so that the client won't have to reenter the data.

The final URL will be like this example:

Where to get the parameters?

Now the real value comes when you use merge fields from your CRM or Email Marketing software to dynamically populate the fields.

The example above used c1_mobile=1234567890 for mobile. If you had the mobile listed in a field in your email marketing app and the insert field for mobile was {mobile}, you can update the URL to c1_mobile={mobile}. It will then automatically populate with the mobile number in the email marketing app.

Available Parameters for the Mini Fact Find
Data Field
Primary Client First Name
Primary Client Last Name
Primary Client Email
Primary Client Mobile
Client 2 First Name
Client 2 Last Name
Client 2 Email
Client 2 Mobile

Every parameter is case sensitive. So ensure that the format is followed.

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