How to activate Risk Profile in the Client Portal

How to activate Risk Profile in the Client Portal

Clients can fill out the Risk Profile questionnaire thru the Client Portal app.

Follow the steps below:
  1. Login to the Client Portal app.
  2. Click on the Risk Profile tile on the Client Portal homepage.
Risk Profile tile may appear more than once, depending on the setting done by the Adviser. If there is no Risk Profile tile, the adviser hasn't activated the module for the client to use. Click the link to know How to set the Risk Profile on the Client Portal.
  1. Fill up the Risk Profile questionnaire. Once done, client can click on Completed or Save to complete later button. When Completed button is clicked, the Risk Profile tile will disappear from the Client Homepage which signifies that the module is already done. When Save to complete later button is chosen, this will save the work and allow the client to edit at a later time. 
  2. If the client has already completed the module but realised that an update is still needed, the client needs to inform the adviser so adviser can update the Client Portal Settings and re-enable the Risk Profile to appear on the Client Portal app.

  3. If you are still having trouble you can reach out to our Support team by clicking on the Help icon on the app or by sending an email to