What Client Information Can I Find in the Client Portal Summary?

What Client Information Can I Find in the Client Portal Summary?

The Client Portal Summary is a centralized hub for managing client interactions and tasks efficiently. In a client's Client Portal Summary page, you'll find essential sections such as fact find status updates, tasks status, and documents shared by clients with advisers. The guide below explains the different section to help you maximize the Client Portal Summary feature of Advice Revolution.

To access the Client Portal Summary, simply click on Status and Tasks on the Adviser Home Page.

In the Client Portal Summary you'll find the following sections:

1. Fact Find Sections: This is where you can see the status of the Fact Find that the client needs to complete or update.

2. Client To-Do's: Here, you'll find the list of tasks that you've assigned to the client for action.

3. Adviser for Review: In this section, you can review the documents or tasks that the client has completed in the client portal.

4. Completed: After you review the client's submissions or completed tasks, they move from Adviser for Review to this section.

5. Adviser's Documents: This section stores every document you've uploaded for the tasks assigned to the client.

6. Client's Documents: This section holds every document the client has uploaded and shared with you through their assigned tasks.

In the Client Portal, clients have the view of the following sections. 

Client To-Do's: Tasks that clients need to update and complete.

2. Information to Update: The Fact Find that clients need to complete or update.

3. My Documents: This is the client's document vault containing all uploaded documents between the adviser and their clients related to the task.

Need more help?
For questions or clarifications about maximizing the client portal summary, you may send us a message at support@advicerevolution.com.au. Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-minute Get Help Session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on July 6, 2024

Version 1.1