Updating/Changing the Practice Details and Logo

Updating/Changing the Practice Details and Logo

In the Advice Revolution portal, advisers can easily manage their practice details, including updating their practice logo. Your practice logo is a key element in branding and establishing a professional identity. Follow the steps below to ensure your practice details are current and your logo accurately represents your brand.

How to update your practice details and logo:

Step 1: Access your Practice Profile
1. Hover your mouse over Practice and click on Practice Profie

Step 2: Update your Practice Logo
1. Click on the Choose File button to select your new logo.
2. Ensure the file is under 128 MB.
3. Click Upload to save the new logo.

Modify practice details

1. You can also update other practice details such as the practice nameCorporate Authorised Representative (CAR) number, and Australian Business Number (ABN).
2. Add a new licensee by clicking
 Add Licensee, or edit existing licensee details by clicking the pencil icon.
3. Include or update the practice's address and contact information as needed. Just click the 
Add Address and Add Contact Details buttons.
4. After updating practice information hit 
Submit button to save the changes. 

Important Note:
The Practice information you provide in your Practice Profile will be automatically included in both the Mini Fact Find and Full Fact Find reports for your clients.

Need more help?
For questions or clarifications, you may send us a message at 
support@advicerevolution.com.au. Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30- minute Get Help discussion with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on June 25, 2024
Version 1.1

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