Using the Search and Pagination Features

Using the Search and Pagination Features

Managing your client list on Advice Revolution is now made easy with the new search and pagination features.

Utilizing the Search Bar

1. Locate the Search Bar: The search bar is conveniently placed at the top of your Client List table.
2. Enter Search Criteria: Simply type the first and last name (or even just the first name) of the client you're looking for.
3. Instant Results: As you type, the search results will update in real-time, displaying only the matching clients.

Utilizing Pagination

1. Navigate Large Client Lists: If you have a substantial number of clients, the Pagination feature helps you efficiently view them in manageable pages.
2. Page Navigation: The paging navigation controls are located in the upper right corner of the Client List.
3. View Additional Clients: Just click the page numbers to move between pages and access more client details.

Important Notes:

1. Recent Clients at a Glance: Newly added clients are still automatically displayed at the top of your Client List for easy access.
2. Spouses & Linked Clients: To optimize loading times, spouse names and clients within the same group are no longer automatically displayed in the Client List. However, you can still search for them using the search bar and access the primary client's information.
3. Search Optimization: Currently, searching by last name only won't yield results. We're actively working on improving the search capabilities in future updates!

Need more help?
For questions or concerns, you may send us a message at Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-minute Zoom session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on June 26, 2024
Version 1.1