How to Use AR for Existing/Review Clients?

How to Use AR for Existing/Review Clients?

Welcome to our detailed guide on using Advice Revolution for existing and review clients. This guide covers essential steps like integrating your CRM, and includes helpful links in granting client portal access, and updating the Fact Find of clients. Access the Integrations Page:

Step 1: Access the Integrations Page
1. Open the Adviser tab in Advice Revolution.
2. Select Integrations.

Step 2: Choose Your CRM
1. Select either Xplan or Worksorted from the available options.

Step 3: Connect Your CRM
1. Locate your CRM URL site in the dropdown menu.
2. Select Connect in the action. 
3. If your Xplan URL site is unavailable, choose My Xplan site is unavailable and follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Click Allow to grant access.

Step 4: Return to Adviser Home Page
1. Click Go back to Adviser Home Page.

Step 5: Sync Clients (Xplan Users Only)
1. Click the Sync Clients tab to import client data from Xplan.

Important note: 
Syncing client data can take up to 10 minutes per client. As each client loads, they will appear in the Adviser Home Page. To optimize performance, we recommend syncing clients you are actively working with first.

Step 6: Search for Clients
1. Use the search box to find specific clients you want to add to Advice Revolution.

Step 7: Add Clients to AR
1. Select the desired clients.
2. Click Submit.

Step 8; Access Client Information
1. Click on a client's name to view their information in Advice Revolution.
2. Review the client data imported from Xplan.

Step 9: Update Client Information
1. Click the pen or edit icon to modify client data as needed.
2. Make changes to the Fact Find information.

Need more help?
2. Click this link to learn how a client can update their Fact Find data in the Advice Revolution client portal.

For questions or clarifications on how to maximize the Advice Revolution portal for existing or review clients, you may send us a message at Alternatively, if you want to book a 20 to 30-Get Help session with our team, kindly use this calendar to book the session.

Published on August 7, 2024
Version 1.1