Release Notes- December 22, 2023

Release Notes- December 22, 2023

This release note article outlines the latest features, product enhancements, and bug fixes implemented in the Advice Revolution portal.

New Features

1. Auto-sync Customization Feature at Adviser-level and Client-level

The new Data Auto-Sync Customization feature allows advisers to set a default Xplan auto-sync settings for each client added in the adviser portal.
  1. When the “Adviser Setting” is opened, a new “Integrations” tab now appears to adjust the auto-sync setting of the adviser’s account, giving advisers the flexibility to turn on or turn off the auto-syncing with X-Plan depending on your advice process. By default, auto-syncing is turned “On” for all clients. When the setting is set to “Off”, all newly added clients will not be automatically pushed to Xplan. Once adjusted, the auto-syncing setting will apply when a new client is manually added using the “Add client” button, and when a new client completes the Mini Fact Find through the “Mini Fact Find link”, or when a new client is pulled using the “Sync” function.
  1. Advisers may also adjust the auto-sync setting at the client level. This setting gives advisers the flexibility to override the default auto-sync that was set at the Adviser Setting. When a client page is opened from the adviser portal, advisers will now see a new “Integrations” menu under the Fact Find setting. This means that if auto-sync has been previously turned “off”, this new feature will allow the adviser to turn it “on” specifically to this client only. The auto-sync adjustments made in the client-level will not affect the auto-sync settings of the other clients in the portal. 

    Kindly visit this
    link for more information and tutorial about this feature.

2. Customization Feature of Client Portal Templates created by Practice Managers.

This customization feature of client portal templates now allows advisers to copy and customise the templates created by the practice manager. In the “Client Portal Templates” found in the Adviser Setting, advisers will now see a “Copy an Existing Practice Setting Template” field to select the template that needs customisation. A dropdown list of existing client portal templates created by Practice Managers then shows for advisers to copy.

This feature enables the advisers to also customise the” Start of Email” text and “Finish of Email text” to include a more personalised touch in sending client portal invitation and fact find emails to clients.

Kindly visit this
link for more information and tutorial about this feature.
  • Improved Visibility
    • Track updates effortlessly with timestamp of Xplan auto-sync information.
    • Stay informed with automatic refreshes of the Document Uploads table in the Client Portal Summary page.

  • Streamlined Interface
    • Enjoy a cleaner experience with the removal of unnecessary elements:
      • "Thank you" banner after form completion.
      • "Generate password" and "language translator" on the Login Page.
      • Empty Client Comments and Adviser Comments fields in tasks.
    • Benefit from consistent document opening for both clients and advisers.

  • Optimised Workflow
    • Effortlessly apply coupons with a dedicated field on the Payment Page.
    • Save time with the default "Turn All On" section for Fact Find in client portal templates.
    • Manage documents efficiently with the ability to delete file attachments in tasks and automatic removal of tasks without attachments.
    • Ensure data integrity with uneditable "Owner" fields for tasks under review.
    • Experience complete document removal when deleting tasks.
    • Enjoy enhanced copying and pasting of rich text fields in templates.
    • Benefit from email validation for Home and Work email types.
    • Maintain clean records with deleted debt repayments no longer appearing in Expenses.
    • Personalise interactions with client portal invitations now using first or preferred names in greetings.
  • Performance Improvement
    • Improved loading times in the adviser and client portals.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Client Portal Settings: Email address field now updates correctly.
  • Risk Profile: Now includes questions with no value in scoring computations.
  • Sign Up Page: Properly display and align fields
  • Monthly Total Bill: Reflects correct billing computations of the Practice with discounts applied.
  • Residential Address: Resolved display issue with "move-in" date when field is deleted.
  • Email Validation: Added message when client 2's email matches client 1's registered email.
  • Expense Deletion: Fixed confirmation display issue.
  • Scope Indicators: Accurately reflects information when entries are deleted.
  • Image Attachments: Restored missing download icon in previews.
  • Client Portal File Upload: Allows clients to submit even if uploads are in progress.
  • Task List: Automatically refreshes after adding task templates.
  • Client Portal Template Naming: Prompts for unique names to avoid duplicates.
  • Advice Scope: Displays updated information after editing.
  • Business Name: Updates correctly after editing in People and Entities.

Need more help?
If you have any questions or need a feature walkthrough, the Advice Revolution Support Team is happy to help. Send us a message at our support email, or conveniently book a 20 to 30-minute Get Help Session to discuss your needs.

Published and updated on: July 11, 2024
Version 1.1

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